Anti-Gun group promotes “Gun Safety” event

“Gun safety event focuses on protecting kids, offers free gunlocks” is the kind of headline designed to fool the uninvolved gun owner.


The next time your child heads over to a friend’s house, a Durham County gun safety group wants you to ask these questions: Are there guns in the house? If so, are they stored properly?

“It is extremely important to ask friends, neighbors and relatives, or wherever your children may play or visit, if there are guns nearby,” Ross said. “If the answer is yes, find out how the guns are stored. If the guns are not stored properly, the location is a dangerous place for your child to play. Guns should be unloaded with the gun locked up and the ammunition stored separately. Asking one simple question could save your child’s life.”

Ross is part of Durham County’s gun safety team, which is coordinated by staff at the Durham County Department of Public Health. The group, which includes gun owners, community representatives, law enforcement officers, medical professionals and church representatives, has given away more than 10,000 gunlocks since 1999 and has worked to reduce the number of gun injuries.


For more information, go to North Carolinians Against Gun Violence’s website and the ASK (Asking Saves Kids) campaign website.
I did went there for “more information,” and here’s what I found at North Carolinians Against Gun Violence


HB 49 Firearm in Locked Motor Vehicle/Parking Lot.
02/04/2013 Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House

NCGV’s position– Allowing guns in parking lots infringe on employers’ or business owners property rights, endangering all employees and creating a situation in which a potentially violent worker who gets upset could have easy access to a firearm.

HB187 Private School/Handgun on School Property (Specific to Forsyth County)
3/04/13 House Com on Government

NCGV’s position – Teachers, staff members, and the average person permitted to carry concealed, are not trained to handle gun combat in a dynamic environment. Where police officers have ongoing training in the law, policy and procedure, this is not the case with civilians. The competence of a police officer is often judged by their ability to know when not to shoot, not just when they should pull the trigger.

HB705 Preemption Affirmation Act
4/11/13   Committee on Judiciary

NCGV’s position-
We oppose this bill. This would prevent local municipalities from implementing certain restrictions, such as carrying concealed weapons in county parks and recreation sites and athletic fields.


In other words, they’re not really against gun violence, and they’re certainly not for gun safety,  they’re just against gun owners.  So if you’re a gun owner in North Carolina, don’t take gun locks, don’t get on their mailing list.  Instead, buy your own gun lock if you want to, or get a biometric gun safe like the one below.


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