Ann Coulter, my favorite female conservative, gave a speech for the Notre Dame College Republicans’ Lincoln Day event, here’s what she said about guns:
Coulter also addressed the issue of gun control, particularly in light of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Conn., in Dec. 2013.
“After Newtown, [Democrats] were all on their high horses … but then senate leader, Democrat Harry Reid, couldn’t even get enough Democrats to hold a vote on the so-called assault weapons ban,” she said.
Coulter said liberals cite “bogus statistics” in an attempt to scare people away from guns, but she said she refuses to believe their arguments so long as liberals themselves continue to utilize “armed security,” such as bodyguards.
“As soon as politicians and these media bigwigs give up their guns or their armed security, I’ll believe them when they tell me that guns aren’t helpful,” she said. “Until then, they’re like stockbrokers telling you to ‘buy, buy, buy,’ while they’re selling, selling, selling.
“I think Americans know this. They know bald-faced hypocrisy when they see it.”
Coulter said the issue of gun control highlights her belief that as people become more educated about a topic, the more conservative their views tend to be.
“After all [the liberal] prancing around after Newtown … one year after the shooting in Newtown, support for gun control was the lowest it’s been in decades,” she said.
“And this is a corollary of the Ann Coulter theorem that the more people know about a subject, the more conservative they are. What happened after Newtown is there was a lot of talk about gun control on TV, and people who had never given it any thought got to hear the facts, and support for gun control plummeted.”
Coulter said she wished gun rights advocates would transfer their fervency into the immigration debate.
“If only immigration patriots had the self-confidence of gun enthusiasts, I don’t think we’d have to keep going through this amnesty debate every year,” she said. “The pro-mass-immigration people have the entire Democratic caucus.
Great points, and to the critics who accuse her of being divisive and controversial, really? They give Pulitzers to communist cartoonists like Clay Bennett (Chattanooga Times Free Press), and you can bet he’s extremely divisive and controversial. Of course, Clay is a left-wing commie, so he gets away with it.
Ann Coulter is factual, and she enjoys mocking the liberals with facts. Is that bad? I think not. As for the accusation that she antagonizes independents and centrists, give me a break, catering your politics to please political bisexuals makes no sense at all. Ronald Reagan got plenty of Reagan Democrats, why? Because authenticity beats posturing each and every time.
Coulter is right on a few issues, like combating gun control, but in recent years she has gone off the rails. Coulter has proven herself to be a RINO at heart. She no longer has core foundational beliefs and has lost her way. See the book, Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, at
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