Ad Review: #Springfield Armory Range Officer


This gun ad won’t win any awards (as if any of them would), but it’s extremely well-designed, the used of white space is glorious, the photography is perfect, and whoever invented the name of the gun was brilliant.

Who doesn’t want to be a Range Officer? It’s a name that has authority and respect. With that said, the headline could be better.

1. Using New was a good choice, New and Free are the most powerful words in advertising

2. Why are you repeating yourself? “New Range Officer. Now in 9MM” is better than saying “range officer” three times. This isn’t radio, you don’t have to repeat the name of your brand so people don’t forget it

One Shot, One Kill- Ad from #Savage Arms


This is a great ad. The headline is extremely powerful, and no liberals, it doesn’t say “Kill People,” it’s a HUNTING rifle, so don’t freak out.

I like the fact that they use a celebrity, that’s not always necessary but it can help sell a brand. It makes sense they mention human kills since hunters don’t like to shoot the same animal twice.

The design is also clean. As for the logos, I’m glad us gun owners are a politically incorrect bunch, because I’m sure liberals are offended by having the word savage next to the face of an Indian.

Ad Review: Ruger LCR

Ruger_LCR_adInteresting example of marketing guns to women. Her look of determination and self-reliance is priceless, the headline is a little dry and product-centered, but that’s OK. I would have preferred a two word headline like “Real Smooth”

Good advertising assumes the target is lazy and doesn’t want to read the ads, so the last thing you want to do is make them work.

Ad Review: Pavona from American Armory Corporation


This #gun ad needs help. First of all, you’ve got too much copy, a good ad is supposed to excite you and lead you to the website, not tell you every single thing you need to know.

Also, why have “Witness Pavona” in the headline? “Her Gun. Her Way” is a better headline. Saying the name of your brand twice doesn’t help.