thinks Everytown for Gun Safety could rival the NRA.

I’ll give the liberal “Moderate Voice” credit for using the words “gun control” in his blog, A Gun Control Network to Rival the NRA. I guess he didn’t get Bloomberg’s memo, they’re supposed to say “gun safety” nowadays.

But the following paragraph is beyond ridiculous:

Everytown for Gun Control [sic] already has 1.5 million members from the previous groups, and Bloomberg is hoping to bring another million on board. The NRA has 5 million members, but many of them actually joined in recent years. Following the Sandy Hook shooting the NRA actually grew by 250,000 people in a single month. Given all of the press gun control has gotten lately, Everytown for Gun Control could grow at a similarly rapid rate. The group will first try to gain members from places where gun control measures have recently passed, such as Colorado and Washington state.


Here’s why TheModerateVoice is wrong.

1. Are these 1.5 million dues paying members? Because Likes on Facebook don’t count as such, you can buy those online.

2. The NRA grew without the bully pulpit evil gun haters enjoy

3. We’ve recalled one of the Democrats who voted against guns in Colorado, in spite of Bloomberg supporting him financially

4. If Everytown for Gun Control is so powerful, why do they need Bloomberg’s money? I don’t remember the last time a celebrity donated $50 million to the NRA, do you? Yet our 5 million members have raised far more than $50 million. The basic $25 membership time 5 million equals $125 million. And that’s not counting the monthly donations many NRA members make, anywhere from $5 to as much as $100 or more a month. We’re not billionaires, but Bloomberg is not outspending us yet.

5.  Support for gun control has actually fallen since Sandy Hook. When emotions cool down, people use their brains and realize gun control solves nothing. This is why Obama and his commies don’t like letting a tragedy go to waste, they like to strike while the iron is hot, and we like to delay them as much as possible, and then destroy them.

6. The press is worth squat. What press? Today anyone with an Internet connection can have a blog. You think the average American cares what Maureen Dowd has to say? My hometown newspaper is dominated by liberals yet on Facebook, the pro-gun comments outnumber the anti-gun comments. Today the flow of information is not limited by the liberal media. Andrew Breitbart made a career doing the stories the liberal media wouldn’t cover. The Drudge Report exposed the Lewinsky scandal after Newsweek backed down.

Besides, the press doesn’t want to cover gun control everyday, they don’t like the angry phone calls, the newspaper cancellations, the loss of ratings. Look at CNN, did they not fire Piers Morgan? If gun control was such a hot topic surely his ratings  would have been amazing. Instead, CNN has to cover some plane crashing into the ocean for 2-weeks to get ratings.


Mayor Nutter is a Major Nut

Race-baiter and gun-hater Mayor Nutter has joined an anti-gun coalition.

We told you yesterday that former PA Governor Tom Ridge was on the advisory board of Everytown for Gun Safety, a new group funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to enact gun restrictions at the state and national levels. Now Mayor Nutter has joined the effort, as well.

One of the lobby’s primary demands is universal background checks. Nutter contends it is not an organized grab for everyone’s guns.

“I respect the second amendment,” he said, “but I believe I have a first amendment right not be shot.”

Are you kidding me?

You don’t have a First Amendment right not to get shot, stabbed, or punched in the face. The 1st Amendment protects SPEECH, the 2nd Amendment protects your ability to defend yourself from people that don’t like your speech or just seek to do you harm.

Of course, this isn’t the fist time Nutter misunderstands the constitution.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A controversial article published in Philadelphia Magazine this month has the attention of the Nutter Administration.

The article, titled “Being White in Philly,” features a series of interviews with anonymous white residents from different areas of the city who share stories about their interaction with black residents.

Mayor Nutter calls the article’s tone “disgusting,” and he’s asked the Human Relations Commission to investigate some of the sensitive racial issues explored in the piece.

Nutter spokesman Mark McDonald says this is all about fact finding.

“I think he feels that there are enough problems in this article that it warrants a closer look,” McDonald explains.

Sad, isn’t it? Here you have a Mayor investigating a journalist, who does he think he is? Kim Jong Il? Fidel Castro? How do people like him get elected? Really Philadelphia, are you that desperate?



Elvis State Sues Over Gun Ad


You can’t even see his face, but since it looks like Elvis (who by the way, was a huge gun enthusiast), the Evil State is suing

The estate, formally known as Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc., is asking for $75,000 in damages because of Beretta’s ad campaign promoting the Model 692, an over/under shotgun, that the estate claims launched in January, according to the complaint…..

The ad show’s what appears to be Elvis wearing his rhinestone-studded jumpsuit, a shooting vest and ear protection while wielding dual finger guns, and is accompanied by the caption, “The new legend in clay shooting … Highest-level performance to shoot like a star.”“Elvis’ interest in firearms and target shooting is well-known by his fans and gun aficionados. Gun enthusiast and Elvis fans also know that Elvis was the owner of a Beretta-made firearm,” the estate argues. And adds, “Beretta made a deliberate and intentional decision to tie its new product, Model 692, to Elvis and trade on his popularity to generate as much publicity as possible.” staff writer Brent McCluskey contributed to this article.

Personally, I think the Elvis State is being ridiculous.

#1. Elvis was a PUBLIC FIGURE, so if you’re going to sue Beretta, you might as well sue every Elvis Impersonator

#2. You admit Elvis loved guns, so why are you complaining? The King would be honored by this portrayal

#3. Anything that keeps the memory of Elvis alive will make the Elvis State money

#4. Beretta should thank you for suing them, you basically gave them publicity worth far more than $75,000. I do hope they sell a lot of shotguns

Bloomberg Plans to Spend $50 Mil Against 2nd Amendment

Big Shot Bloomberg is at it again:

Ex-mayor Michael Bloomberg is going to spend $50 million this year trying to get gun-control supporters to the polls. He’s so humble about his efforts to treat people like children! He told TheNew York Times in an interview, “If there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.”

Well, I know Bloomberg doesn’t believe in Jesus, but He said “…if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one” Luke 22:36

Or what about ““If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him,”  Exodus 22:2. Surely Bloomberg believes in that, right? Hey Moses, next time leave that slave in Egypt. LOL

The Bible also warns us never to disarm ourselves:

Judges 5:8 reminds us of what happens to a foolish nation that chooses to
disarm: “They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or
spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?”

The answer to the rhetorical question is clear: No. The people had rebelled
against God and put away their weapons of self-defense.

I’m also sure both the Old and New Testament warn about being full of pride. I may be a jerk, sometimes, but you won’t see me claiming that I’m going straight to heaven, that’s not up to me, that’s up to God. And while I’m not a hardcore Christian, I don’t believe that our salvation is based on what we do to others, specially when we hurt others like Bloomberg does.

Bloomberg’s “gun safety” measures are the best friend of the rapist, the gay basher, the thug, the criminal, he disarms the weak against the strong, just like Hitler did which is why I’m not afraid to compared Bloomberg to a Nazi. The only thing he’s missing are the concentration camps, but in fairness to Hitler, his final solution did not come right away. I wonder if Bloomberg has a final solution for us law-abiding gun owners? Not if we can help it! Like the armed Jews at the Warsaw Ghetto, we shall fight back!

Bloomberg can talk about heaven all he wants, but I think the day he dies Satan is gonna have a gift basket waiting for him. Perhaps Bloomberg can spend eternity in hell getting raped with an AK-47? Or maybe an AR-15? Stephen King once wrote that hell is repetition, oh what torments await him once the “Son of the Morning” (nickname for Lucifer) gets to give Bloomberg his just rewards for serving the Lord of Lies.

But don’t take it from me, Herr. Bloomberg is so deluded that a Washington Post liberal is attacking him:

Cillizza wrote that Bloomberg “doesn’t fully grasp how he is viewed by many people outside of major cities and the Northeast,” who supposedly see the former Mayor as “the living, breathing symbol of the sort of nanny government they loathe.”

Media Matters proceeds to attack Cillizza, claim there’s overwhelming support for the “gun safety agenda.” Yet even the gun haters that comment on Media Matters aren’t too crazy about Bloomberg

Rusty Shackleford

As a New Yorker, allow me to say:

Fuck Bloomberg.

I’m definitely in favor of gun violence prevention, and I resent the toxic gun culture that infects this country, but the guy’s an authoritarian asshat and I couldn’t be happier to be rid of him.

As far as choosing public advocates goes, we can do better.
Source: Idem

This is good news for us! If gun-haters like Rusty can’t follow der fuhrer, why would the rest of the country? Poor Bloomberg, money can’t buy him love.  LOL