79% of Americans favor a strict reading of the Second Amendment

grf_support_2nd_1Good news for gun owners:

A recent poll from the Seattle Times ran through the blogosphere with decidedly positive results for second amendment activists. In spite of splitting the second amendment supporters with two answers, the total came with 79% in favor of a strict reading of the second amendment (no infringements) and 18 percent in favor of the status quo. Only 7% were for increased restrictions on second amendment rights, even worded as a “background check” measure.

It appears that many people have been educated and have become more sophisticated in their understanding of the law and the issues in the year following the tragedy at Newtown.

Now, following a shooting in Glendale, Arizona, azcentral.com is running another poll. The shooting in Glendale involved a former Marine. The Marine fired a pistol at an accused shoplifter after a gun was pulled on a store security person, and then pointed at the Marine. The Marine’s wife was coming out of the store and about to become involved in the dangerous scenario. Four shots were fired, the miscreants fled on a motorcycle, the gun turned out to be a fake, and no one was hurt.

Again, we have three answers in the poll: two rather positive for those who believe in protecting themselves, and one devoted to trusting the authorities to protect you. Again, the answers supportive of self defense and the second amendment are hammering those opposed.

Here is the question and the current results:

Should Arizona citizens be able to use lethal force to protect people they think are in danger?

Yes, it’s the right thing to do. 58.28%
No, they should alert the authorities. 16.53%
A person should only use lethal force if they themselves are in danger. 25.19%
Here’s a LINK to the poll
Source: http://gunwatch.blogspot.com/2014/01/az-second-online-poll-hammers-those-in.html

Kudos to the Gunwatch Blog for doing an excellent job reporting the news. The blogger is an amazing guy, an Australian who’s fully supportive of the 2nd Amendment, an Atheist who supports Christians and hates political correctness, and a warrior in the culture wars.


2 Responses to 79% of Americans favor a strict reading of the Second Amendment

  1. 79% of Americans favor a strict reading of the Second Amendment | The Gun Feed says:

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  2. dan says:

    80 % or even 100 % means NOTHING to progressive politicians…..they all refuse to even obey the law of the land ..our Constitution and its Bill of Rights…with many repubs also…these politicians need to be jailed after they are replaced…..but I will not see that day…ever….imho

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