Walther Is Trusted Gun Ad
Walther is fine German engineering, and this is a beautiful slice-of-life ad.
Walther is fine German engineering, and this is a beautiful slice-of-life ad.
Hexmag HX30-AR Magazine Grip Kit 1-Pack Punisher Hexmag Hex Pattern AR Rifle Magazine Wraps (Punisher Skull)
Here’s a holster ad from N82 Tactical. I hope they’re as serious about their products as they are about their beards.
Don’t worry, liberals. It’s not a machine gun, just a friendly semi-automatic.
In New Jersey, getting whacked takes a whole different meaning. In Winchester, it’s all about the ducks. Welcome to Winchester Country!
You remember playing with these: Now play with this: Beautiful ad, don’t you think?
European American Armory Corporation or EAA has done an extremely bizarre ad, published in Guns Magazine. Did The Terminator have sex with a read head zombie? Great legs, by the way, hope she’s not too heavy on that unicorn. Either way, it got my attention, share if it got yours. Like Us on Facebook