Don’t Cry for Beau Biden

Today I saw a shocking tweet from 2ndAmendmentStrong You’re kidding, right? Beau Biden: Expand Definition of Who’s Mentally Unfit to Own a Gun Beau Biden announces new gun-control legislation The DOJ could then ask a judge to prohibit the person from owning or possessing a gun. The judge also could order the seizure of any […]

CCW Guardian: An App for Concealed Carriers

Pilots log their flights, divers log their dives, and now concealed carriers can log their trips to the range and protect themselves from legal liability with the CCW Guardian. This is a cool feature, if you ever shoot someone in self-defense, a gun-hating prosecutor might accuse you of being reckless and irresponsible. You can use […]

What’s your worst hunting nightmare?

Tell me if this hasn’t happened to you. You just finished hunting that prey you’ve been chasing for 2-days, you take it to your car which is parked in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, the car doesn’t start, you need someone to give you a jump but there’s nobody there. You’d like to call AAA […]

Don’t Test a Bulletproof Vest On Yourself

File this under, “do not try this at home.” FAIR OAKS, Calif. (KXTV) – A man has been arrested in connection to a deadly shooting Friday night on the American River Bike Trail near Bannister Park in Fair Oaks. According to the victim’s brother, the shooting resulted from the victim and his friends playing around […]

Theresa Vail is FRANCHI’s Girl Hunter

Gun companies know more women than ever are becoming gun owners, so this ad with celebrity Theresa Vail makes sense. Theresa Vail (born October 1, 1990) is an American television and radio personality. She is the host of the Outdoor Channel hunting show Limitless with Theresa Vail (debuts in July 2015)[1] and is the co-host […]

Buy Gun Get Car Backlash

The anti-gunners are getting their panties twisted in Cloquet, Minnesota Dealership’s Gun Promotion Creates Backlash CLOQUET, Minn. – Buy a car and get a lawnmower or handgun for free. It’s a promotion that’s caused quite the uproar for Cloquet Ford Chrysler Center. Owner Al Birman said the dealership was flooded with, what he describes, mean […]