Gun-Hating Comedian Accused of Misogyny

I love it when liberals eat their own. In this case, it’s Jim Jefferies they’re eating: I felt lucky to buy the last two remaining seats to the first show of comedian Jim Jefferies’ national tour. After watching his stand-up routine on gun control, I was intrigued by this Aussie bloke who was waging a […]

College Campus Carry Killed by Republicans

RINO Alert! RINO Alert!   HELENA, Mont. – Ten Republicans have joined House Democrats in narrowly defeating a proposal to permit concealed weapons on college campuses. The Montana House failed Senate Bill 143 on a vote of 49-51 Tuesday. Supporters say the U.S. Constitution’s right to keep and bear arms guarantees that Montana’s permit holders […]

India: Gun-Carrying Minister Criticized

  India is not a gun-friendly country, so if you go through the hell of getting a gun license, you get to carry it pretty much anywhere you want, including schools. Minister under fire for attending school meet armed with a gun 30 March, 2015 11:37 PM Mr. Mahajan later clarified that he carries the […]

Betrayed by Republicans in Arizona

Imagine you have a concealed carry license in Arizona, and there’s a ton of public buildings where you can’t bring your gun. It’s understandable that Democrats would be against you, after all, Democrats are always wrong, but Republicans who vote the wrong way should never be tolerated. Arizona Senate nixes bill allowing guns in public […]

Gun owners should not pay for the crimes of teens

I saw this story… Review: Texas rarely prosecutes adults when kids access guns AUSTIN, Texas (AP) – A review finds Texas rarely prosecutes people who fail to secure their guns from children. Gun owners can be charged with a misdemeanor in Texas if they fail to secure their firearms or leave them in a place […]

When only cops have guns…

Liberals fantasize of a world where only cops have guns, let’s show them what happens then: Suspect Guns Down Police Escort, Breaks Free In Russia’s Vladivostok RFETuesday 24th March, 2015 A suspect has gunned down a police escort in Russia’s Far Eastern city of Vladivostok and broke free. Russia’s Investigative Committee said that the suspect, […]