Gun Notification Bill Violates Privacy

Does your family have a right to know if the cops have returned the guns they confiscated from you? 49 senators in Washington State voted unanimously that they do. Senators voted 49-0 Friday morning in favor of a bill named for Sheena Henderson, who was shot to death by her husband in a murder-suicide at […]

Under the Bed Gun Safe

I was reading a article when I saw an ad for Safe & Vault Store. I clicked, and found an interesting collection of gun safes, including ingenious under the bed options. Why ingenious? Because someone that breaks into your home is unlikely to look under your bed. They’ll be opening drawers, closets, but only […]

Concealed Gun Licenses Drop in Ohio

Less people are getting licenses to carry a gun in Ohio, after several years of the number constantly speaking. In Wall Street terms, this is a readjustment. It’s not that gun ownership is becoming less popular, we’ve simply hit a bubble for a while, and as the article points out, those who already have licenses […]

NEVADA: Why we can’t work with anti-gunners

  Sometimes a Republican like Nevada Senate Majority Leader Michael Robertson may try to please the other side by having a pro-gun bill with a few anti-gun measures, and and you’ll see later, it doesn’t do anything for his case. The scene was the Senate Judiciary Committee, where lawmakers debated two bills related to guns. […]

Shoot Real Machine Guns near Disney World

Walt Disney World is fun, but even the biggest Disney fans need a break from all that Rated-G goodness, that’s where   Machine Gun America comes in. NEW YORK (CNN) – Not far from Walt Disney World, you’ll find one of central Florida’s newest tourist attractions. There are no rides to be found. Instead, visitors can […]