Stupid Outrage Over Baby with Gun Picture

Here’s another tale of ridiculous outrage over nothing: A baby is touching a gun, is this a big deal? I don’t think so. A Facebook photograph of a baby holding a rifle taken at a Connecticut gun store 20 miles from the scene of the Sandy Hook massacre has sparked outrage, UK MailOnline reported. Before […]

Keep your finger off the trigger to avoid accidents

Here’s what can happen when you don’t: OCONEE COUNTY, S.C. —A woman was airlifted to an Upstate hospital after being shot by her son, according to the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies responded to a shooting on Rock Crusher Road Wednesday afternoon, public information officer Jimmy Watt said. A woman inside the home suffered a […]

11-year-old Shoots Cougar, Saves Brother

This is a sweet story: An 11-year-old girl shot dead a hungry cougar that was stalking her 14-year-old brother at their rural ranch Thursday  in Twisp, Washington. Shelby is no stranger to hunting and bags a deer every year. Shelby White is no stranger to hunting and when she noticed her older brother, Tanner, was […]

Liberal journalist wants to bring back the draft

The same people that burned their draft cards during the Vietnam War are suddenly all giddy about drafting gun owners into a militia: My recent column reporting on New York Times columnist Joe Nocera’s “The Gun Report,” a daily compilation of gun deaths in the United States, brought the usual avalanche of vitriolic comments, including […]

54% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the NRA

  It’s been 20 years since the Brady Passed, and the Washington Post wrote an article about it that had some interesting tidbits: 5. Opinions of the National Rifle Association are about the same as they were 20 years ago. December 2012, Gallup In a 1993 Gallup survey, 55 percent of the country had a […]

Why a Chicago Pilot seeks a CCW

Sometimes newspapers are worth reading, especially when they print a pro-gun column like this one:   Recently, I completed the classroom portion of the new Illinois concealed carry licensing requirement. I then traveled to the firing range with my classmates and passed the live-fire training by destroying a practice target with 30 rounds of 9 […]

Renny “The Radical” Cushing Hater Adds Poison Amendment to Pro-Gun Bill

If  New Hampshire’s Renny Cushing had his way (D-Hampton) had his way, the State’s motto would be “Do as we say or shut up.” The radical who announced a bill to end the death penalty now wants to put garbage in a pro-gun bill.   A proposed commission to study gun violence has been called […]

Voting Rights Vs. Gun Rights in Kentucky

Interesting editorial, my commentary afterwards: Big difference in restoring gun, voting rights Suddenly the left doesn’t think Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is so crazy after all. A week after U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder made a strong case for restoring voting rights to felons, the Kentucky Senate joined the Kentucky House in approving a […]