The 20-year-old child: How USA Today lied about gun injuries.

“Twenty young people a day hospitalized for gun injuries” screams the USA Today headline, right under it we see: “

“Six percent of 7,391 hospitalizations for firearm-related injuries to children and teens in 2009 proved fatal. Most of the hospitalizations resulted from assaults; the fewest from suicide attempts.”

Yet when you read the article you find this little tidbit.

Researchers analyzed a nationally representative sample of discharge data collected on children and adolescents (up to age 20) in 2009. The data, released in 2011, are the most recent available, Sege says.

Up to age 20? Are you freaking kidding me? At 20 you’re not even a teen, at 18 you’re no longer a child. Do an experiment, ask a 13-17 year old if he considers himself a child, guess what? They don’t. At that age some teenagers can be charged as adults if they commit certain crimes.

The study detailed a significant racial gap: Black children and adolescents comprised 47% of all hospitalizations, 54% of hospitalizations resulting from assaults, 36% from unintentional injuries and 54% from undetermined causes.

Oh how terrible, but then again, that’s part of the gang lifestyle Hip Hop loves to promote. The Bloods and the Cribs like them young, and the kids aren’t learning gun safety from the NRA, or going to the gun range. The streets are their gun range! This is why they hold their guns sideways which is a no-no among real gun owners as opposed to worthless punks.

The findings emphasize “the need for funding for public health research to find the best way to reduce children’s access to firearms,” he says.

Just like global warming, hungry liberals need Uncle Sugar to pay them for their “research.”

In the absence of such research, Sege says, the best advice is to follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation that “the safest home for children and teens is one without guns,” and if there are guns in the home, they should be “stored unloaded and locked, with the ammunition locked away in a separate place.”

Of course, a bunch of lousy doctors that don’t know squat about self-defense has the gall to tell parents that their children should die during a home invasion because Daddy kept his guns away from them. Besides, good luck getting bangers to keep their guns away from their young recruits.


7 Images of People Cleaning their Guns

Cleaning your guns is one of the things all gun owners must do. Enjoy these images.





Newspaper Company now claims they won’t build database of concealed carriers.

A media company that owns dozens of newspapers in 12 States “considered” creating private “state-by-state databases” tracking “those who have the right to carry a concealed weapon” as part of its strategy to report on “the explosion of ‘conceal and carry’ gun permits” across the Nation. Civitas Media is a newspaper conglomerate that operates 88 newspapers

I’m all about gun pride, but the idea that some liberal could go on a database and find out if I have a gun is very scary. I can’t stay home 24/7 nor do I wish to give the criminals a shopping list.


Elvin Daniel is Daniel Webster New Useful Idiot

Daniel Webster is a professor and the director of the Center for Gun Policy and Research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, so you know he’s an enemy of our 2A, and what do enemies need? Useful idiots to do their dirty work:

Elvin Daniel joined a growing list of citizens demanding that Congress strengthen federal gun laws including background checks for all gun purchases. That Daniel is a card-carrying N.R.A. member should come as no surprise. National surveys show that 84 percent of gun owners and 74 percent of N.R.A. members support background check requirements for all gun sales.

#1. Elvin’s NRA membership should be revoked at once. I don’t care if Elvin’s sister was killed by an “illegal gun” as he wrote in “The gun that killed my sister,”   if his sister’s had died from a dropped a piano on her head, would he have written “The piano that killed my sister”? I doubt it. Elvin is nothing but a double agent, a stranger among us, a spy, and it’s time to remove him.

#2. Only the NRA has access to the membership rooster, so only they can survey NRA members. It’s the same reason that it’s easier for the AARP to survey their members than for me to call a bunch of old people and hope they’re members of the AARP.

Here’s the truth about so-called background checks:

It’s a weekly occurrence in Akron, several shootings for police to solve, all despite the police department’s best efforts to get the guns off Akron streets.

The problem is frustrating for Akron Police Chief James Nice who says teens and young adults just break into homes and keep stealing more guns to shoot each other with. He doesn’t think the justice system is doing enough to stop them.

Nice tells AkronNewsNow ” Unfortunately nobody is putting these kids in jail, and right now if you’re being arrested in Summit County for weapons under disability, or concealed carry, they’re doing zero days in jail. I’ve been screaming about this. This is the problem.”

Nice says Summit County judges are not always sentencing those convicted of weapons violations so they fear no consequences when they attempt to settle disputes with bullets

Before some liberals says “well, if people didn’t keep guns at home, guns wouldn’t get stolen” which is kinda like saying that if women gained 200 pounds, they wouldn’t get raped.

Here’s a fact: “our own Federal Government noted that nearly 40 percent of all crime guns are acquired from street level dealers, who are criminals in the black market business of peddling stolen and recycled guns”