Avoid SERPA holsters.

This guy shot himself not because he was stupid, he’s a well-trained gun owner, but because his SERPA Holster failed him. You have to watch the video to understand why, on 1:30 the explanation starts.

Top Shot Chris Cheng
This guy accidentally shot himself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYvAxLX6OzE. Be careful with SERPA holsters, or just don’t use them.


Always practice the rules of gun safety.

Here’s what happens when you don’t practice the rules of gun safety.

FORT WORTH (AP) — Police said a 14-year-old boy was fatally shot in the head at a North Texas home by a man who told officers he didn’t realize the gun he was holding was loaded.

Fort Worth police said a group of people had gathered late Thursday evening at a home when the 24-year-old man pulled out the firearm. He shot it once, striking the boy above the eye. The teen was transported to a hospital.

Police said he was pronounced dead Friday afternoon.

The man who fired the gun ran from the home but later called police. He was questioned and later released. The investigation is ongoing.

Police said the man and teen were acquaintances and neither lived at the home.

Their names hadn’t been released.
Source: http://lubbockonline.com/texas/2013-12-28/man-showing-gun-inadvertently-kills-teen#.Ur5wqbSv6ZQ

Here’s how you show a gun.

1. Grab it with your finger outside the trigger, pointed in a safe direction (down, up, never at a person)

2. Remove the magazine.

3. Pull the slide to see if there’s a round in the chamber, if it’s a revolver, open it up.

4. Show the gun and continue treating it like it’s loaded (it’s how good habits are formed and maintained)

How hard is that? It’s plain common sense.


Don’t shoot yourself in the butt.

Man Injured By Accidental Gunshot In Brighton StoreThis is why you need a holster, preferably a hip or ankle holster, and one that makes it impossible for you to hit that trigger.

12/27/13 – An accidental gunshot in a local store sent a Green Oak Township man to the hospital yesterday. Brighton Police officers responded to a call at Home Depot at about 6:00 Thursday night. They discovered that a 32-year-old man had accidentally shot himself in the buttocks with a pistol he had been carrying on his person. His injuries were minor, and he opted to be driven to the University of Michigan hospital by his wife for treatment rather than take an ambulance. Police Chief Tom Wightman says it appears that the man was reaching for his wallet in the store when he accidentally grabbed the gun, activating the mechanism and firing a shot into his buttocks. The man was not seriously hurt, and there was no injury to bystanders or damage to the store. Wightman says the man had a license for the pistol as well as to carry it concealed on his person, so there likely will be no charges filed by the police in the case. (TD)

Source: http://whmi.com/news/article/18819#sthash.1k87x42h.dpuf

To the gun haters that use stories like this one against us, not so fast. Check this story from “gun control-loving Australia.

Man pistol-whipped during Sydney robbery

December 28, 2013 12:56PM

A 65-year-old man was loading items into a vehicle parked in Blackett Place in Cabramatta West when he was approached by a man armed with a handgun.

The gunman allegedly hit the man across the head a number of times with the gun when he refused to hand over his wallet.

No shots were fired during the incident.

The armed man fled empty-handed and was last seen heading towards Satara Avenue.

Emergency services were called and the injured man was treated by ambulance paramedics before being taken to Liverpool Hospital with lacerations to his head.

Police from Cabramatta Local Area Command are investigating and would like to speak to a man who may be able to assist with inquiries.

He is described as being of Caucasian appearance, aged in his 20s, with a thin athletic build.

At the time he was wearing a white, hooded jumper and grey tracksuit pants.
Source: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/breaking-news/man-pistol-whipped-during-sydney-robbery/story-fni0xqi3-1226791059536


See? That’s what happens in Slave Countries like Australia. In America that 20-year-old parasite would have been shot by one of our patriots. In America, a FREE COUNTRY, we defend ourselves. So I don’t care if every once in a while an inexperienced gun owner shoot himself in the ass, that’s far better than getting pistol whipped and not begin able to do anything about it because you are old and weak and your criminal is young and strong.

You know what else we have in America? The Death Penalty, and it’s a damn shame we don’t use it more often. At the very least we should bring back corporal punishment, tie them up and give me a whip, that will be a lesson they never forget.

Record Gun Sales in Alabama.




Congrats Alabamians, you have exceeded your 2012 background check record:

Last year there were 431,356 federal gun background checks from Alabama.  There have been 486,506 checks this year–and that’s before December’s numbers are in.  If trends continue, Alabama’s on track to have half-a-million background checks for 2013.  There’s one simple explanation.

“Because they can, because it’s their right to buy and right to defend what they have,” says Gary Mozingo with Gunport in Coden.  There many reasons why someone bought a gun in 2013 but the biggest driving factor is fear over what the federal government might do with gun control.  It started in 2012 when the Sandy Hook shooting spurred talk of gun control on Capitol Hill.  Gun sales shot up as legislation fizzled.  Gun rights were kept in the news as most states legislatures, Alabama’s included, worked to liberalize the right to bear arms.  One gun dealer we spoke with estimated three fourths of his customers were new.
Source: http://www.wrbl.com/story/24316447/gun-sales-break-alabama-record

Buying guns is one of the best ways to protest gun banners, it sends a message, a big middle finger in the faces. So keep on shopping.