Delays for Concealed Carry permits in Florida.

If you live in Florida and need a concealed carry permit, you better apply now since things are moving extremely slow.

PINELLAS PARK, Fla. – The shooting range at Bill Jackson’s sporting goods was busy Monday and so is the wait to get a concealed weapons permit if you live in Tampa Bay.

“There’s been a backlog,” said co-owner Doug Jackson, Bill Jackson’s Sporting Goods.

“People are not happy about it,” he said.

Jackson’s customers have had a tough time making an appointment at Tampa’s State Department of Agriculture location where the state processes paperwork for concealed weapons permits.

“The office in Tampa has about a two and a half to three month wait the last we heard just to get an appointment to go see them,” said Jackson.

When I called today, the next appointment was one month away. An average wait is a couple of weeks.

“It’s an accumulation of things. One after Sandy Hook, a year ago, the government starts talking about not being able to buy guns. People said, ‘I’m going to buy a gun before the government tells me I can’t,’” said Jackson.

Eric Friday who represents , an organization protecting Florida gun owners’ rights, says he’s keeping a close eye on the delays.

“Every time there’s one of these mass shootings or every time there’s some big push for gun control, we see an increase in applications and we know that’s going to happen,” said Friday.

To get a concealed weapons permit in Florida you have to complete certified training, show a valid ID, have a clean record, go through a background check and be fingerprinted. The info is sent to a state database.

Jackson says his customers have complained about the delay, but are willing wait.

“In the last year, the interest in guns and gun ownership has increased significantly. People are taking classes much more than they ever have,” he said.

Read more:

Important Information about the Florida Concealed License.

Permit Valid For:
Permit valid for seven (7) years from date of issue.


Renewal Information:

  • $65 – Florida Resident
  • $30  WR license – retired Florida Law Enforcement and a Florida resident
  • $107 – Out of state resident  ($65 renewal and $42 fingerprint card fee)
Permit(s) Honored In:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming


Gift for a Gun Grabber

The left-wing website that took his picture thinks it’s an insult to be called right-wing.
Sorry commie, Right is always better than Red, as in commie Red.
Source of Image:

I like Gun activist Mike Vanderboeg, blogger at sipseystreetirregulars, he sent the anti-gun governor of Connecticut an “illegal high-capacity magazine” as a Christmas present.

Connecticut outlawed new magazines with more than 10 rounds when it passed major gun violence reduction legislation on April 4, moving it up the ranks to second place behind California for the toughest laws in the country.

Residents with magazines with more than 10 bullets purchased before that date can keep them, but they have to be registered by Jan. 1 and there are strict rules on where they can be stored and how they are transported.

Just imagine the irony making gun banners live by the laws they pass. What’s the matter, governor? I can’t have a high capacity magazine? Neither can you! By the way, the reporter who wrote “gun violence reduction legislation” must be smoking crack, call it what it is, “gun control legislation.” This is why I hate the media, they editorialize outside the opinion page.

The likelihood the “gift” will land on Malloy’s desk is probably zero as such a package would be vetted by the Capitol police with the state police brought into the mix for suspicious deliveries.

Vanderboegh was at a pro-gun rally at the state Capitol in April where he urged citizens to be the best lawbreakers they could be by resisting the new gun laws.

True, but the media attention is priceless, not that Vanderboeg isn’t used to attention, Bill Clinton himself denounced his work on CNN. Why? Because he’s a 3%.

“Vanderboegh, of Alabama, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, led the Sons of Liberty, an antigovernment militia, in the 1990s and most recently is the founder of THREE%ER, which was so named “from the theory that only 3% of American colonials actually fought the British.”
Source: Idem

Is there such a thing as a pro-government militia? I would think the role of the militia is to protect the country, governments change, presidents and politicians come and go. This is why I burn red when someone tells me he respects “The Office of the President.”  It’s the fuhrer-lover mentality some Americans seem to have.

The Three Percent today are gun owners who will not disarm, will not compromise and will no longer back up at the passage of the next gun control act.

These guys are patriots with balls as big as dinosaur eggs.

Gun Banner Uses Fiction to Attack the Second Amendment.

Here’s an interesting Letter to the Editor some gun-hater wrote:


Go on promoting the Second Amendment

December 30, 2013
FREDERICK BUCHEIT – Mill Hall , The Express

The following is fiction, but one never knows.

Bob and Bill became friends early on as they lived close to one another and were the same age.

They lived in a neighborhood where kindness was not commonly seen and a fellow had to occasionally fight to keep his lunch money.

Bob and Bill really enjoyed the violent video games they got for Christmas and often competed to see who could kill the most enemies.

In school Bob and Bill were considered “different.” Their dress was different and they were thought of as loners as they seldom associated with other students; they seldom did homework, for that was the mark of a sissy.

As time went by they became more resentful of authority; when a teacher disciplined them they started to keep a list of the incidents.

The girls in their school were dismissive of them and they resented that, and kept a list.

As they became more antisocial they got into more and more trouble, often doing time in school detention, and even getting the occasional expulsion for fighting when other boys took their belongings. They made a list of them also.

After years of these insults, they decided it was time for action. Their course of action involved the most conveniently obtained item in this society – the gun.

Bob’s father had a couple of pistols, an AK47 and plenty of large clips; Bill’s dad had an AR15 with lots of clips and lots of ammo.

The boys made a detailed plan, and the easiest part of it was getting the guns, as they live in a society where guns were considered the best and the easiest way to prove manliness; respect, duty, honor and knowledge didn’t make the cut.

Yes, these boys live in a country where tens of thousands of items, including lawn darts, are banned because of their danger to health and safety, but guns are readily available anywhere and anytime.

Not only did their fathers have many pistols and semiautomatic guns, so did their brothers and uncles and neighbors.

Guns were as easy to get as hammers – perhaps more so. There were, after all, more than 350 million guns in circulation, many unregistered. If one did not own a gun, one just broke into a car or a house and got one.

And why did so many people feel the need to own a gun for protection? Primarily because there were so many guns around, and also because they might have to take on a government that became too tyrannical. These people apparently never heard of a ballot, or didn’t believe in it.

And so, Bob and Bill went to school with a list of people, 12 guns, and 10 times as many bullets as would be required.

This day they would add to the enormous list of murdered citizens, “convenience killings” that have slaughtered more American citizens than American soldiers killed in all the wars this country has fought. There are 30 American citizens killed every day of the year by guns.

You do the math.

So, go on promoting the Second Amendment as though it means any guns anywhere and anytime for any person, and we will continue to have more of the same daily horror.

This in spite of the fact that the Declaration of Independence declares that every one of us has an inalienable right to life! The daily slaughter of citizens goes unnoticed, unrecognized and no effort is being made to prevent it.

There is NO interpretation of the Second Amendment that can justify this senseless, unrelenting, unmitigated slaughter of humans.

It is time we take seriously the wise words of a great jurist, Chief Justice Warren Burger, who said the Second Amendment “has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word ‘fraud,’ on the American public.”

The things liberals write when they thing we’re not watching.

1. Chief Justice Warren Burger only attacked the Second Amendment when he was writing for a magazine. He “never said anything about the Second Amendment when he was actually on the Supreme Court.”

2. The Columbine Killers weren’t bullies- USA Today reported: They weren’t goths or loners.The two teenagers who killed 13 people and themselves at suburban Denver’s Columbine High School 10 years ago next week weren’t in the “Trenchcoat Mafia,” disaffected videogamers who wore cowboy dusters. The killings ignited a national debate over bullying, but the record now shows Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold hadn’t been bullied — in fact, they had bragged in diaries about picking on freshmen and “fags.”

3. Guns are easier to get than hammers? When was the last time you had to pass a background check to get a hammer, or worry about the size of your hammer, or get a license to carry a hammer? Even if the writer is referring to Armslist, at least I don’t have to go online to buy a freaking hammer.

4. 30 Americans a day killed by guns? OK, never mind that this country has more than 300 million people, but I don’t consider the lives of gangbangers shooting each other equal to the lives of law-abiding people. Besides, since “roughly 60 percent of deaths by gun are due to suicides,” can we really count those as gun deaths? Japan has a higher suicide rate than we do, thus it really doesn’t matter. What does matter are the lives saved by guns, and for that I’ll let a report commissioned by the White House answer:

A new report commissioned by the White House titled Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-related Violence suggests what many self defense gun proponents have been saying for years.

he study found that gun ownership actually saves lives and those who have a firearm at their disposal improve their chances of survival and reduce their chance of injury in the event they are confronted by a violent criminal:

Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…

The estimate of 3 million defensive uses per year is based on an extrapolation from a small number of responses taken from more than 19 national surveys. The former estimate of 108,000 is difficult to interpret because respondents were not asked specifically about defensive gun use.

A different issue is whether defensive use of guns, however numerous or rare they may be, are effective in preventing injury to the gun wielding crime victim. Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was “used” by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self protective strategies.


I feel sorry for FREDERICK BUCHEIT, a dumb man with a dumb name. Bucheit? What kind of name is that? Sounds like BS, but I’ll take his advice and “go on promoting the Second Amendment.” Why not? The Second Amendment saves lives and keep us free. The alternative is becoming Mexico, and if you ever been there you know it’s a nice place to visit, but not a nice place to stay.









Toby Keith used to support concealed carry.

Toby Keith is a Democrat, yet in 2011 he gave us this cool pro-gun quote.

“I’m all about good people, licensed and trained, carrying a concealed weapon,” said Keith at the time. “The bad guys are always gonna be carrying guns. There are so many guns in the U.S and so many bad people that do harm with ‘em. If one percent of non-felons would go get their concealed weapons license and carry a gun where they can, one percent puts you in a pretty good position of being somebody that could save a bunch of people’s lives.”

Now his franchisee is saying this:

Fox News reports that the restaurant, which is located in Woodbridge, Va., issued a statement on its Facebook page: “While we understand and respect every person’s right to own and bear arms, we at Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill, with guidance from the State of Virginia and based on insurance regulations, have adopted a no weapons policy. It is our desire to provided a safe, enjoyable and entertaining experience for our patrons and staff.”

That is why I’m Liking

Sorry Toby, but if I can’t bring my gun, you can’t have my business.




Brownells expands outside Liberal college

Brownells is famous for having sold 3-years’ worth of AR-15 magazines in 3-days after the Newton shooting, and now they can be famous for a $16 million expansion that will employ up to 200 workers just outside Grinnell College in Iowa, a very liberal place.

“I think it is going to be fantastic for the community,” said Juli Sanford, owner of Juli’s Natural Foods, which sells organic food and supplements a block from the college. She said the project will bring jobs, income and visitors to Grinnell, located about 55 miles east of Des Moines.

I think I like Juli Sanford, a bleeding-heart with an eye on the bottom line.

The expansion will allow Brownells to carry more products, ship them faster and promote its brand with a highly visible location. The company is expected to open its first retail store at the site within the next year, which will include an experiential center with interactive displays featuring products.
Unemployment is low, but Grinnell officials have long hoped to add more development near the interstate and expand their tax base. The expansion has faced virtually no opposition, even at the 1,600-student college.

Conservatives creating works, don’t you love it? Apparently some people don’t:

“Grinnell has been synonymous with high-quality education, with creative and even brilliant contributions to education,” said Cheryl Thomas, a spokeswoman for Iowans for Gun Safety. “This is not a fit.”

Not a fit? I’ll tell you what’s not a fit, a Commie living in America is not a fit. Maybe Cheryl Thomas should pack her bags, I hear rat stew is pretty tasty in China, or perhaps she’s in the mood for fried roaches? Dogs? I’m not making things up, a Chinese friend one told me, “Chinese eat anything.