Mass Shooter Safe Zone Meme.
You’d think Institutions of higher learning would learn from history. Alas, they don’t.
The truth about the Colorado shooter is coming out.
The Denver Post appears to have published some interesting information about Karl Pierson, the 18 year old high school student suspected of shooting a classmate yesterday.
According to the Post, it appears Pierson did not like Republicans and had strong opinions on several political social issues,
Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing “you republicans are so cute” and posting an image that reads: “The Republican Party: Health Care: Let ‘em Die, Climate Change: Let ‘em Die, Gun Violence: Let ‘em Die, Women’s Rights: Let ‘em Die, More War: Let ‘em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?”
Another quote from a classmate tends to support the pro gun control message,
“He had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff,” said junior Abbey Skoda, who was in a class with Pierson during her freshman year. “I also heard he was bullied a lot.”
Interestingly, according to Mediaite, The Post originally described Pierson as a Socialist in an earlier draft of the article. However, that reference was later removed and changed to “strong political opinions outside of the mainstream”
According to Mediaite, the original article read as follows (emphasis mine),
The gunman’s parents divorced in late 2011, according to court records. The divorce was finalized in August 2012.
Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman, described him as a very opinionated Socialist.
“He was exuberant I guess,” Conrad said. “A lot of people picked on him, but it didn’t seem to bother him.”
According to reports, Pierson came to the school, armed with a shotgun in order to seek revenge against a faculty member with which he had a disagreement.
I bet he was pro-Obama as well, or perhaps one of those crazy leftists who thinks Obama is a centrist.
The left must be really desperate if they’re publishing this:
The Killer Who Supports Gun Control.
Those gun killings have been committed by people like John Lennon (his real name, but no relation to the Beatles star), who, in 2001, used an assault rifle to shoot an acquaintance dead in a quarrel over drugs. Lennon is now locked up at Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, N.Y., and he underscores that while people kill people, so do guns.
“I do take responsibility for the murder; I’m sorry for taking his life, and all the life he could have had,” Lennon writes in an essay that he sent me out of the blue and that I’ve published on my blog. “But without a gun, I would not have killed.”
Lennon says that only “that perfect killing machine” of a gun assured that the murder would succeed.
“Could I have stabbed him?” he adds. “Strangled him? Bludgeoned him? If I had done so and he hadn’t died, why would that have made me less culpable than I am now, a man who swiftly and cowardly shot another man to death? A killer nonetheless, I hash these things out, in my head, in my cell, in Attica serving 28 years to life.”
“I’m all for the market system,” Lennon says, “but when the products are killing machines, why shouldn’t we tighten measures to keep guns out of the hands of people like me?”
He wasn’t a killer, he was a MURDERER.What kind of nonsense is this? Who cares what he thinks? The man is human garbage, he has nothing to lose, the fact that he can’t even accept responsibility for his crime and instead blames the gun makes me hope he never gets parole.
Lennon does not deny that people will still try to kill each other without guns. Indeed, he knows that firsthand, for he writes about being the target of a revenge attack:
“He sneaked upon me in the prison yard like I sneaked upon his friend in a Brooklyn street. When I turned, I saw his arm swing for my neck. I weaved. Then I felt the piercing blows, as he gripped my shirt and dug into my side. Pressured by the blood-thirsty crowd, he stabbed me six times because I shot his friend to death. The ice pick didn’t do the job, though. He got away with it because we were in a blind spot of the yard, and I never told on him. Prison ethics. While my assailant’s intent was clear, the weapon he had access to was insufficient. Therefore I lived.”
“It’s clear that the only reason I’m alive is because my assailant didn’t have his weapon of choice,” he adds. “Can you imagine if we had access to guns in prison?”
Google “gun found in prison” or “prisoner murdered” and you’re bound to get thousands of entries. You didn’t die out of pure dumb luck! Perhaps it was an initiation attack, the kind done by a newbie trying to join a gun, a man with little or no experience murdering people. Your attacker’s mistake was not stabbing you in the neck or the heart, now that would have been a killing blow.
There are Churches of Satan in the great State of Texas.
DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – The First Presbyterian Church of Dallas held a gun buyback Saturday. The church is on a mission to make homes safer; providing extra holiday cash at the same time.
The church offered $50 for working handguns and rifles, and up to $200 for semi-automatic assault weapons. It has collected and destroyed about 400 weapons thus far.
The unwanted ammunition was collected free of charge.
Disgusting, isn’t it? At least Judas had the decency to hang himself after betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. First Presbyterian is not doing the work of God.
God doesn’t want you unarmed, God doesn’t reward criminals with stolen guns, this is not God’s way but Satan’s way.
This is what God wants:
If you hate guns, you hate God. Period.
The liberals told us “nobody needs an AR-15,” Joe Biden told us to “get a shotgun.” Well, seems the Colorado shooter took his advice.
The teenage student police say opened fire at his Colorado high school legally purchased a 12-gauge shotgun at a Denver-area gun store within one week before Friday’s attack, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
Karl Halversen Pierson, 18, barged into Arapahoe High School in Centennial with a shotgun on Friday, set off an explosive device, shot one student in the head, then killed himself. He was seeking “revenge” on the school’s debate team instructor, Tracy Murphy, according to police.
So what now, liberals? You’re gonna raise the shotgun purchase age to 21? Demand a waiting period? There’s been mass shootings in California where they make you wait 14-days.
Poor liberals, always thinking the State is smarter than the individual. Look at New York City where they mandated calories be posted in the menu and in spite of that, the “obesity” rate went up. Why? Because people make the choices they want to make, not the ones Bloomberg and his fellow fascists want them to make.
Gun control is an exercise in futility just like the war on drugs and prohibition. Bad guys are gonna get their guns whether they pass a background check or go through the black market.
And we, the people who didn’t do it, are not gonna accept anymore gun control. We’ve had more than enough, in fact, it’s time to start reversing it, time to start getting rid of bad laws that only help bad guys do their worst.
Liberals are always defending Media Matters, “oh they’re non-partisan, oh they’re not biased.” Well, what do you make of a comment like this?
“The war on Fox is over,” said Media Matters Executive Vice President Angelo Carusone. “And it’s not just that it’s over, but it was very successful. To a large extent, we won.”
Reminds me of Napoleon marching his troops to Le Havre and ordering them to turn around and march to Russia. Or perhaps this is reminiscent of Caligula drawing his troops in battle formation facing the English Channel, and ordering them to attack the standing water.
“We’ve always said, ‘Media Matters watches Fox, so you don’t have to,’” said Bradley Beychok, the group’s president. “That remains true. Fox News isn’t going to stop lying, so we’ll stay on that beat. But, our success regarding Fox News means that our talented team will carry out our mission in different ways consistent with a new strategic vision responsive to the transforming media environment.”
Thank you for confirming that everything we hate about you is true. We accept your defeat even if you call it a victory.
“It’s not clear how much more can be achieved by focusing on Fox,” he added. “There are many more outlets that need Media Matters holding their feet to the fire.”
The only people that pay attention to you are liberal journalists too lazy to do their own stories, and guess what? We don’t pay attention to them either. Face it Media Marxists, nobody’s afraid of you.
Carusone, who was recently promoted to his current role, has been a key foot soldier in the war on Fox. Before he joined the organization, back when he was still in law school, he started a campaign against Beck in response to the host’s 2009 comment that President Barack Obama is a racist. With the help of some progressive organizations, Carusone successfully convinced hundreds of companies to stop advertising on Beck’s show.
Yeah, and now Beck has one of the biggest blogs online, his own TV station, and continues to publish New York Times Best Sellers. So what did you accomplish really? Nothing.
Host Megyn Kelly has since taken over the 9:00 p.m. time slot that had been occupied for years by Sean Hannity, who is known for being more vitriolic and partisan than Kelly. Carusone argued that financial pressure, created in part by Media Matters, forced that shift.
What a joke, show me one advertiser that dropped Hannity. Financial pressure? Bollocks, this people couldn’t pressure a cockroach, much less Hannity. Changes in programming are perfectly normal, nothing stays the same forever.
“We deal with reality. She’s not as vitriolic,” said Carusone. “On the other hand, she is in some ways more pernicious because her credibility has not been completely and totally eroded … so she has the potential to legitimize and validate smears and lies in ways that some of the more disreputable figures on Fox can no longer do, which just presents a new challenge.”
Wait a minute, I thought you “won” your war against Fox News, so what new challenge would be there? I guess the liars forget the #1 lesson about lying: Remember your lie.
“My right is worth more than your dead,” because he fought for his right.
If there has ever been a speech that everyone needs to see regarding Obama’s plan to take our guns. This is the one!
In this clip we see an army vet that serves as a police officer speak to the motion to repeal the ‘Safe’ act at the Dutchess County Legislature New York State.
His name is Aaron Weiss and he has quite a bit say. At some points he even tears up. It isn’t until he speaks on his friend’s passing away in war that his emotions get the best of him.
We love what this young man has to say to the administration and their plans for disarming our citizens!
As MaddMedic points out, not everything about 2013 has been doom and gloom:
What have we learned in the past year?
If there’s bad news to share, it’s that Congress hasn’t fixed the underlying problems which turn many areas of our nation into soft targets for criminals.
Our schools are still gun free zones … military personnel still can’t carry firearms at work … and it’s just a matter of time before another determined psycho steals a gun and goes on a rampage in a gun free zone.
But if there’s good news, it’s that the truth is winning out — and we are seeing this in many ways:
1. Good guys with guns are saving lives.
One week prior to the Newtown tragedy last December, a concealed carry permit holder stopped the shooter at the Clackamas Mall in Oregon. While the killer had stolen an AR-15, he was stopped when Nick Meli pointed his gun at him. (The killer then retreated and took his own life.)
Universal background checks would have done NOTHING to stop either killer in Oregon or Connecticut. Both men stole their weapons. The only difference — the key difference — is that, in Oregon, there was a good guy with a gun!
2. CDC confirms that guns save lives.
After being commissioned by the President to study “gun violence” earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control found that guns are used more often to save life than to kill, “with estimates of annual [defensive gun] uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.” (June 2013)
Because there are roughly 30,000 gun deaths every year (by murder, suicide and accident), this means that guns are used in this country anywhere from 16-to-100 times for often in self-defense.
3. Police agree that guns save lives.
A poll of more than 15,000 police officers this year showed that the rank-and-file cop on the beat is EXTREMELY pro-gun:
* 80% feel that legally-armed citizens would likely have reduced the number of casualties in recent mass shootings; and
* 81.3% support arming teachers and/or school administrators who volunteer to carry at their schools. (March 2013)
4. States eliminating gun free zones.
While some states jerked to the left this year after the Sandy Hook shooting, there were many states that took the opportunity to pursue freedom. For example, several states:
* Repealed gun free zones in restaurants (that serve alcohol), in churches, and other places that drive the gun grabbers crazy;
* Began authorizing teachers in several school districts to carry guns for the protection of students; and,
* Took steps to nullify federal laws within the state (specifically, Alaska and Kansas).
Fox News reported today that, since Newtown, almost twice as many pro-gun laws that loosen restrictions on guns — as compared to toughening them — have been enacted in states across the nation.
5. Gun control kills … political careers.
Seizing the opportunity to eviscerate the Second Amendment, Colorado passed a series of gun control restrictions this Spring.
But the resulting recall of two anti-gun state senators — and the forced retirement of a third — has sent chills down the collective spine of gun grabbers across the country:
“What happened in Colorado should send shock waves through every legislator’s heart that’s been supportive of gun control.” That’s what GOA’s Erich Pratt told Reuters on Wednesday.
But we’re not the only one making this point. The liberal newspaper in the nation’s capital, The Hill, ran a headline on that same day which blared: “One year after Newtown killings, gun control proponents feel dejected.”
Click HERE to see what lies ahead. There’s only so much content I can quote without feeling guilty. LOL