Broken Trust: Gun Grab at High River.

Pro-Gun Canadian documentary, one hour and eleven minutes long. Click if you have nothing better to do.

Click here to see it.

Newton votes for Armed Guards.

It’s good to see common sense prevailing in an emotional place like Newton:

From reports of the school-board meeting, concerned parents cited the Sandy Hook shootings as their reason for backing an armed-guard policy. “The only thing that stopped that guy that day was when the two Newtown police burst in the building,” one parent is quoted as saying in the Patch story. “You all know that.” Which sounds eerily familiar to the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” talking point, even though the Obama administration has backed armed guards if schools want them. One of President Obama’s 23 executive actions on gun violence includes the following order: “Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.”


The NRA’s “talking point” is also known as common sense unless you’re a liberal writing at

“Gun Responsibility” Means Gun Control.

In an opinion column published by Eric Liu on CNN, “The Accidental Asian” tries to confuse us by using “gun responsibility” instead of “gun control.” Why do they think we’re so stupid? Here’s what he writes:

Gun responsibility isn’t gun control. It isn’t about “controlling” people or banning ownership of guns or confiscating weapons. But neither is it about treating the gun issue as if it were only a matter of rights — as if everything else, from the safety of our children to the lethality of everyday crime to the reduction of gun suicides or accidents, were irrelevant.


It is an issue of rights. Nobody talks about speech responsibility, religious responsibility, assembly responsibility, etc.

A gun responsibility agenda respects the Second Amendment right to bear arms. It also demands that the right be exercised with the level of responsibility that a functioning society applies to any public health or safety issue.

The Second Amendment is NOT a public health or safety issue.

I’ve fired an M-16A2 semiautomatic rifle at Marine Corps target practice. I’ve hunted deer and duck with a rifle and shotgun. I can respect those who respect the power of these weapons and the craft of their skillful use.

That does not make you a Second Amendment expert.

At the same time, gun responsibility means accepting — indeed, championing — reasonable rules and standards for the ownership and use of firearms. Criminal background checks prior to gun purchases, to take one obvious example, should be completely noncontroversial. That’s the bare minimum responsibility requires.

Aha! You mean GUN CONTROL. By the way, when was the last time anyone went through a background check to buy crack, cocaine, illegal weapons, etc?

The idea of gun responsibility can and does appeal to people across the spectrum. A majority of NRA members would likely call themselves adherents. It’s not about left versus right. It’s just about being adult versus being immature. Adults know that every right carries an implicit duty to others — that no right, constitutional or not, is absolute — and they live accordingly. Such mindsets have nothing to do with age.


In other words, “if you don’t agree with me, you’re being immature.” These liberals are quite the debaters, aren’t they? Let’s see what Ayn Rand has to say about “duty”

One of the most destructive anti-concepts in the history of moral philosophy is the term “duty.”


The meaning of the term “duty” is: the moral necessity to perform certain actions for no reason other than obedience to some higher authority, without regard to any personal goal, motive, desire or interest.


“Duty” destroys reason: it supersedes one’s knowledge and judgment, making the process of thinking and judging irrelevant to one’s actions.


“Duty” destroys values: it demands that one betray or sacrifice one’s highest values for the sake of an inexplicable command—and it transforms values into a threat to one’s moral worth, since the experience of pleasure or desire casts doubt on the moral purity of one’s motives.


“Duty” destroys love: who could want to be loved not from “inclination,” but from “duty”?


“Duty” destroys self-esteem: it leaves no self to be esteemed.



See? There is no duty. I don’t buy from you because I owe you something, I buy because you have something I value. I am a responsible gun owner not out of duty but simple self-preservation. If I break a gun law, I will suffer, I do not wish to suffer thus I don’t break gun laws. Simple as that.

A group of activists has chosen to designate December 15, the day after the Newtown anniversary, as “Guns Save Lives Day.” They’ll ignore the desire of Sandy Hook families for quiet by loudly protesting “attacks” on their gun rights. They’ll brandish firearms and insist against evidence that more guns means less gun violence. There is a term for this, drawn from adolescent psychology: acting out.


The evidence is actually against you:

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report shows that while gun ownership climbed from 192 million firearms in 1994 to 310 million firearms in 2009, crime fell—and fell sharply. According to the report, the “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” rate was 6.6 per 100,000 Americans in 1993. Following the exponential growth in the number of guns, that rate fell to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2000.


As for your other charges, where the freedom-riders acting out? Was Martin Luther King, Jr. acting out? Are gay rights protestors, abortion sympathizers, Occupy Wall Street, and every other group acting out? No, they are PROTESTING, they are exercising their rights of speech and assembly, and in our case, arms.

A good way to honor the children of Sandy Hook Elementary school is to thank gun owners who behave like adults, to support policies that encourage greater gun responsibility — and to remember that this is how we fulfill our Second Amendment duties.

We don’t have Second Amendment duties, we have Second Amendment RIGHTS, and the only children I see here are the gun haters who can’t wait for Big Daddy Government to tell them what to do and how to live.

Do us a favor, Mr. Liu. Stop lying, if you hate guns, say so, but stop it with “gun responsibility” and “Second Amendment duties” and your ridiculous Orwellian language and barely hidden contempt against gun owners.


93 Year Old Kills “Knock-Out Game” Thug

Turns out this story was a hoax according to Snopes, so read it for entertainment purposes only.

You’re never too old to fight back.

St, Louis, MO — Gladis Bennett, 93 yr old grandmother, was on her way Saturday morning to visit her grandchildren. It was a special morning as it was her granddaughter’s 14th birthday. She was waiting for the bus, viewing her bus route planner, that would take her downtown because she just donated her used car to charity. That is when everything changed for the worse. She was reading her bus route planner and suddenly she felt the sharp pain on the left side of her body. The force was so strong it knocked her down. When she looked up she could see a group of toxic young men just laughing at her. 

One of them started kicking her. Before they could hurt her anymore she reach for her purse, pulled out her weapon and annihilated the main assailant. Thankfully the rest ran away after that. She was terrified, she was sure that this was the end of her life.
A homeless man who witnessed the attack told reporters Bennett acted like a super-hero. “I saw her get sucker punched from behind really, really hard. She hit the ground and then they all started kicking her. She got this huge pistol out of her purse and BOOM!… Headshot! Game over son, you know what I’m saying? She was like playing a 3D video shooting game on Xbox. Poor n*gga never ever had a chance.”
Bennett was attacked about a year prior to this incident. Her personal injury lawyer for that claim, prompted her to take measures to protect herself to the fullest. She said if she had not, who knows what that dangerous group of kids would’ve done to her.
Bennett was taken to the hospital with scrapes and bruises and was released later on that day. She is grateful she has all of her healthy teeth still in tact and does not need dental cosmetic surgery. She went all this time with beautiful white teeth! As for her 21 year old attacker, he was pronounced dead at the scene from a bullet wound to the head.
- See more at:

Bullies beware, we are packing.

Media Matters Attacks R. Lee Ermey Over Cripple Remark.

Poor Media Matters, they’ve never done anything honorable in their lives thus they envy those who do.

National Rifle Association board member R. Lee Ermey, best known for his drill sergeant role in the film Full Metal Jacket, claimed that “nowadays lazy is our new cripple” to attack recipients of public assistance during an NRA News special celebrating Veterans Day.


The November 11 holiday honored individuals who served in the United States Armed Forces. As Think Progress notes, “there are roughly 5.5 million disabled American vets and over 3 million receiving disability compensation.”

Ermey used the word “cripple” — a derogatory term for a person with a disability — several times while describing how his new book Gunny’s Rules: How to Get Squared Away Like a Marine “tells you how to take command of your life, get off welfare, unemployment, food stamps and regain a little bit of your self-respect”:


ERMEY: I’ve got a new book that just came out, it’s out right now, you can get it on the Internet or you can pick it up at just about any bookshop. It’s called Gunny’s Rules and basically it tells you how to take command of your life, get off welfare, unemployment, food stamps, and regain a little bit of your self-respect.

You know, those things are like quicksand. Once you get in there, it’s real difficult to get back off of it. Welfare back in my time, back when I was a kid, I remember my parents voting for welfare and it was sold to us — like cripples, we got to look after our crippled people in this country. Crippled, those that can’t work, and I guess nowadays lazy is our new cripple.


For your information, Media Matters, R. Lee Ermey is an American hero, he was a drill sergeant in real life.

5. R. Lee Ermey had been a real-life Parris Island Marine drill sergeant during the war. He’d acted in other Vietnam films, including “The Boys in Company C” (where he played his first drill sergeant role) and “Apocalypse Now.” Kubrick had hired him as a technical adviser, but Ermey wanted to play Hartman, the Parris Island drill sergeant who dominates the first half of the movie. So he made an audition reel in which he generated a spontaneous stream of foul-mouthed insults directed at a group of extras — all while having oranges and tennis balls thrown at him — that ran for 15 minutes. That got him the job.

He’s the embodiment of the “break you down to build you up” methods of the Marines, you know, that military group that has the toughest and longest basic training. He is loved by millions, including many of those he trained who went on to have great careers in the military.

During his November 11 appearance on the NRA News show Cam & Company, Ermey also suggested that the United States is on the path to communism and said, “I am very disgusted and disappointed with the way this world’s — with the way this country has changed over the 70 years of my life.”

He’s exactly right. I’m not a hardcore conservative like Mr. Ermey, my love of guns only makes me sound that way sometimes, but I’m a huge anti-communist and what we’re seeing today is coded communism. Instead of “proletariat,” we hear “99%,” instead of bourgeoisie, we hear “fair share.” Folks, you only need to read We The Living to recognize the signs. Rand wrote that book in 1936 yet it’s extremely current.


Grannies getting into hunting.

Who says hunting is only for men?

Maybe deer hunting keeps you young. That’s the only explanation I have for this outbreak of news stories (that is, if two stories equals an outbreak) about grandmothers (possibly great-grandmothers) who hunt deer. I thought I was doing pretty well when I found a story about 82-year old Violet Mears of Parksley, Va., who took up hunting at age 73 and has shot eight deer since then. No, I don’t know why the news story insists on calling her a “silver fox huntress.”

Then this morning Dave Hurteau sent me this story about Katie Watson of Gold Hill, N.C., who is 98 and still hunts deer, having tagged her most recent deer earlier this year. She is also gives a fun interview as you can see on the news story and is sure death to Mountain Dew cans.




Decatur, AL reconsiders employee gun-ban.

Alabama is becoming one of my favorite States:

Council President Gary Hammon said he understands the need for safety in the workplace but added that the city can’t control the “disgruntled spouses, ex-spouses or child-support cases” that might have business in City Hall or municipal buildings.

“We’re telling employees we want the nut to be the only one in the room with a gun,” Hammon said. “We’re saying to citizens, ‘We can’t keep you from coming on-site this way, but we’re keeping our employees unarmed.’”


Let’s hope they do the right thing.

The Onion Attacks Gun Owners.

Apparently “satire” is not a two-way street with The Onion.

In the past year, over 100 bills pertaining to firearms have been passed at the state level, nearly two-thirds of which have loosened restrictions on gun ownership. Here are some of the notable gun laws enacted this year:

Virginia: Those purchasing guns must present valid form of ID or plausible-sounding explanation for why they cannot
Alabama: Allows gun owners to carry concealed racial biases
New Mexico: Requires mandatory safety program to train gun owners in the precise method of dancing around bullets being fired at their feet
Mississippi: Residents allowed to own any weapon they can securely tuck into the waist of their pants
Massachusetts: Requires all bullets be hand-thrown
Indiana: Strengthens requirements for state officials to look the other goddamn way
South Dakota: New law allows for one good, clean shot at Mount Rushmore
Texas: Empowers gun owners to preemptively kill any politician attempting to pass a law infringing on their rights
Florida: Gun owners permitted to do anything as long as they have good enough lawyer
Pennsylvania: Officially recognizes how sad all of this is


So how would you write satire if you were attacking gun banners?



Cruises for Conservatives.

Cruises are wonderful ways to save money, visit several places, and have a blast. When the cruise itself features lectures by cool pro-gun conservatives, it’s even better.

These are the offers I got in my e-mail today:

We have 3 great conservative cruises coming up in 2014. We hope you’ll join us!

National Review
Bermuda • May 17-22, 2014
Highlighted Guest Speakers: Mona Charen, Jonah Goldberg, Joh Kyl, Norman Podhoretz, Amity Shlaes, John Yoo
Web site:
email: [email protected]
Phone: 1.800.707.1634

The Weekly Standard (Private Chartered Cruise)
Deep Caribbean • March 22-29, 2014
Highlighted Guest Speakers: Hugh Hewitt, William Kristol, Fred Barnes, Stephen Hayes
Web site:
email: [email protected]
Phone: 1.800.707.1634

Young America’s Foundation
Med & Greece • September 23-October 3, 2014
Highlighted Guest Speakers: Ron Robinson, John O’Sullivan, Ying Ma, Tim Pawlenty, George Allen
Web site:
email: [email protected]
Phone: 1.800.707.1634