Congress Dems come after Stand Your Ground.

A group of congressional Democrats pressed the Justice Department to gather new data about the effects of Stand Your Ground laws on public safety. Obama and Eric Holder have called for reconsideration of the laws and whether they encourage violence.

The statutes have been the subject of intense debate since volunteer neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last year, even though Zimmerman did not rely on Florida’s stand your ground law in his defense.


seven lawmakers issued a letter to Holder Tuesday, asking him to direct the Justice Department to adjust the definition of the term “justifiable homicide” in order to capture all cases involving stand your ground laws. 

The group is also seeking data on other variables of such killings, including their location, information about who in the altercation was armed, the kind of weapons used and reasons they were justified.

“We believe this information would prove extremely useful in helping to evaluate the laws that govern the use of lethal force and in quantifying the impact of such laws on public safety and civil rights,” the lawmakers wrote to Holder.


I did not know CRIMINALS were entitled to public safety and civil rights. What a bunch of idiots.


New luxury gun club opens Friday in Frisco.

If you live in Frisco, TX or North Dallas and you’re loaded with oil money, then you’re gonna love the Frisco Gun Club for the rich and famous.

Membership fees range from $225 for a regular membership to $7,500 for a family VIP membership. VIP members also pay monthly dues of $200 a month. The owner says he expects the first-of-its-kind concept to catch on.
Source includes Video:

So what do you get in this 43,000-sq-ft facility?

  • Indoor gun range with 40 lanes (36) 25yd hand-gun and (4) 100yd rifle lanes
  • Fine dining and bar (but get your shooting done before drinking that Martini, they won’t let you back into the range if you’ve imbibed)
  • Rifle range
  • Retail Shop (over 7,000 square feet of space) offering firearms, ammo, accessories and apparel
  • Full-time gunsmith
  • 100-person Conference/Training room for classes, events, and training (CHL, Safety, Introductory classes, Corporate Events, etc.)
  • Private members-only VIP Club lounge featuring fine dining, drinks, cigars, lounge area with fireplace, private shooting lanes, on-site gun storage in our vault, and 24/7 biometric range access.

Earl Graves, the general manager, said “we’re going to reach people that would normally not come into a gun range.”

You ain’t kidding.


Terrorist Ayers calls Obama a Moderate.

Bill Ayres, the guy that calls Obama a moderate.

Remember Bill Ayers? Obama’s friend from The Weather Underground? Well, it turns out that Obama is a “moderate,” but then again, who isn’t a moderate compared to a terrorist?

Ayers never viewed Obama as a leftist like himself.

“He was a community organizer to his great credit, but all through the 2008 campaign Barack Obama said, whenever asked, he would say, ‘I am a moderate, compromising, pragmatic, middle-of-the-road, politician.”

“The right-wing looked at him and said, ‘No, he is a secret socialist, palling around with terrorists and Palestinians, he has a fiery black nationalist minister, he is probably a black nationalist on top of everything else.’ And the left-wing looked at him and said, ‘He is winking in our direction, I feel it.’”

“Well, he wasn’t winking,” Ayers continued. “If you look at his record in Illinois, if you look at his record in the last six years, if you look at his record in the U.S. Senate, it is the record of a moderate, pragmatic politician.”



Moderates don’t get an F-rating from the NRA, Ayers. Those ratings are based on voting records. Harry Reid is an uber-liberal, but because he lives in pro-gun Nevada, he votes pro-gun and gets an A-rating.

He concluded that leftist spent too much time “gazing at the sights of power they have no access to” rather than engaging in grassroots activism. Lyndon Johnson wasn’t part of the civil rights movement, Franklin D. Roosevelt wasn’t part of the labor movement, and Abraham Lincoln wasn’t part of the abolition movement, Ayers said.


And they let this guy teach, LBJ signed civil rights legislation, FDR was a pro-labor populist that killed jobs, an without Abraham Lincoln, slavery would have lasted perhaps another 10-20 years.



TMZ calls Zimmerman’s weapons a “stockpile.”

Zimmerman’s guns. This is a stockpile? I guess I’m 3 guns away from having a stockpile.


“Deputies Find Gun Stockpile,” that’s the TMZ Headline. I can tell these people are not familiar with gun owners:

According to law enforcement,  Zimmerman had stockpiled five guns and more than 100 rounds of ammunition … including the 12-gauge shotgun his GF, Samantha Scheibe, claims he used to threaten her … by shoving it in her face.

The search warrant … obtained by TMZ .. shows in addition to the Kel-Tec shotgun, Zimmerman also owned an AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle and three handguns.


100 rounds is nothing, I go through that in half an hour at the range.

Deputies also confiscated a pocket knife and a religious pendant.

Zimmerman is currently free on $9,000 bail …  his whereabouts are unknown.

Poor guy, not only is his 2nd Amendment gone, now they took away his 1st Amendment. No freedom of religion for a Catholic like Zimmerman, how sad.
Which one of these 5 guns you like the most? I like the Kel-Tec shotgun.