Another Reason NY Sucks: Smoking Age Raised to 21.

New York sucks for so many reasons, here’s one more: Buying cigarettes in New York City is about to become a lot harder for young people, as lawmakers on Wednesday adopted the strictest limits on tobacco purchases of any major American city. Source: Yes, young people who are old enough to serve in the […]

Weapons Laws in Ancient Rome.

  I’m a huge fan of the Starz’ Spartacus series, which was extremely well-researched. Here’s a few things we can learn about Spartacus and the Gladiators/slaves who fought in the arena, and the Roman laws covering weapons possession.  Arena by the way is Latin for “sand.” 1. They did practice with wooden swords. Steel was […]

Dems want Gun Confiscation.

Nobody’s coming after our guns? Think again. As Breitbart reported: At an October 30th press briefing, Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Reps. Gwen Moore (D-WI) and Elizabeth Etsy (D-CT) called for more gun control laws, including those that would take guns from certain Americans. The briefing was hosted by NYC Mayor […]

Ted Cruz puts Trayvon’s Mother in her place.

A lot of RINO’s and establishment Republicans are terrified of offending whinny liberals, not Ted Cruz:   Ted Cruz addressed Trayvon Martin’s mother during a Congressional Hearing on “Stand Your Ground” laws this week. He began by offering his condolences to the family on the loss of their son’s life. While Cruz was very sympathetic […]

NRA Alert: Florida Comissioner Considering Gun Control.

  If you have the time, send one of them an e-mail. DATE:   October 30, 2013 TO:      USF & NRA Member and Friends FROM:  Marion P. Hammer USF Executive Director NRA Past President Yes, it’s true.  Unbelievable but true. As reported by the Tallahassee Democrat, uber-liberal Commissioner, Mary Ann Lindley, is leading the […]

Commies Attack Rambo Art Exhibit in Russia.

Even though Silvester Stallone supports gun control, he made millions playing Rambo in the 1980s, a character that does NOT support gun control. So it’s expected that the communists would be upset. As Breitbart reported: “This week, Stallone once more vanquished Communists trying to ban the actor’s art work from appearing at a prestigious Russian […]

Liberals vs. Liberal: Protestors shout down Ray Kelly’s Speech.

Ray Kelly is no friend of the Second Amendment, and liberal protestors are no friends of “Stop and frisk” PROVIDENCE, R.I. — New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was shouted down by protesters at Brown University, forcing administrators at the Ivy League school to call off his lecture on “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest City.” More […]

Have you visited The National Gun Forum?

Gun forums are fun, and The National Gun Forum isn’t as crowded as other places yet it still has enough people so your threads and comments get answered. You’ll find a wide variety of categories, including General Gun Discussion, Concealed Carry, Political News, Gun Laws, Latest Headlines, and much more. Visit them at

More Gun Control in San Francisco.

Here’s why people hate you, San Francisco. Under the new regulations, people already possessing a large-capacity magazine will have 90 days to turn it in to police. The proposal exempts members of law enforcement and armored car personnel, among others. Violations of the ban would be punishable as a misdemeanor. Source: Notice some people get […]