Daniel Craig/007 Hates Guns.


Colion Noir always finds the good stuff, or in this case, the not so good stuff:

“I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people, and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other. That’s a simple fact. I’ve seen a bullet wound and it was a mess. It was on a shoot and it scared me. Bullets have a nasty habit of finding their target and that’s what’s scary about them.”
Daniel Craig.

So the actor who makes millions playing a gun-tootin’ hero doesn’t like guns? Yes, people shoot each other, punch each other, stab each other, burn each other, throw acid at each other, etc, etc, etc. So what? At least with a gun you can shoot back or better yet, shoot first.

You’ve seen a bullet wound? Wow, such a tough guy, I’ve seen the pictures of unarmed victims that got beat up and sometimes murdered by strong big shots like you. Guns are the great equalizer, Craig, and all your muscles will mean nothing if you ever face a man with a gun and you have no gun of your own.

Remember the boxer Hector “Macho” Camacho? Got shot in the face by a crook in Puerto Rico. See? That’s what happens when you choose to be unarmed, maybe someday you’ll meet a criminal who will gladly send you to the grave. Get your head out of your ass, Craig, you’re making a living in America, embrace the Second Amendment or get the hell out.


Justice for Slepski!

The other day USA Today had an opinion column where America got accused of being racist just because most white people don’t see Travyon Martin as anything but the thug he was. Well, will the liberal media play the race card here?

“A Pittsburgh-area woman who police say was beaten and robbed in the middle of the street says she believes the attack was “very racially motivated.”

Ginger Slepski, 32, was driving in Pittsburgh’s North Side around 2 p.m. on Sunday, reports indicate, when a bottle struck her vehicle at a stop sign.  She said she got out and confronted the group of black girls who did it.

“I was mad. I knew they were younger. I thought they were in their early 20s. I got out and said, ‘What is your problem?’” Slepski told WPXI-TV.

The girls allegedly responded with slurs like, “Shut up white [expletive]” and “Get that white [expletive]” before physically attacking her.

“The one punched me in the head, and I was on a set of concrete steps and my head hit the concrete so hard,” Slepski remarked.  “Then they all got on top of me and all their hands were in my hair, and they kept telling each other, ‘kick her in the head! Kick her head in the concrete!”

Slepski said there were a number of witnesses around, but they were too scared to intervene. And when the witnesses yelled that they were calling police, it seemed like “it only made it worse.”

Eventually, one witness said, a man was able to help Slepski and police rounded up the suspects.

Shockingly, WPXI-TV reports, the suspects’ respective ages were only 14, 15 and 16.

The mother of two, Slepski is expected to make a full recovery but suffered torn shoulder ligaments in addition to extensive cuts and bruises.

The teens, whose names have not been released, are reportedly facing charges of ethnic intimidation, robbery and conspiracy.”

Source: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/28/kick-her-in-the-head-woman-savagely-attacked-in-pittsburgh-believes-beating-was-very-racially-motivated/

Is being afraid of black people racist? I don’t know, but I do know that if Slepski had been afraid she would have stayed in her car. I also know that if Slepski had a gun, she would have used it and saved herself horrible injuries, perhaps shoot a no good thug.

Of course, Slepski is probably a liberal, and like most liberals, Slepski thought that all people are the same. Well woman, I hope you have learned that people in the ghetto are violent and dangerous, even the good people are too scared to do anything.

I also hope you buy yourself a gun, and in the future, avoid driving through black areas if you can.

HuffPo Contributor Threatens Dana Loesch with Anal Rape.

It’s not easy being a pro-gun girl.

“During the course of a political discussion on Twitter (which admittedly can get pretty heated), Loesch was greeted by this oh so lovely and oh so classy tweet.

  1. Dana Loesch         @DLoesch

    Oh look, the Cougar Coalition for Gun Control’s latest ad was rated bullshit: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2013/aug/27/has-little-red-riding-hood-been-banned-not-assault/ …

Pascal Robert @probert06

@DLoesch I know you would look lovely with thigh high stockings and would love to have a brother give to you up the ass. Wouldn’t you?


Like most classy conservative ladies, Loesch wasn’t one to be kicked around and she fired back with this little guy.


Dana Loesch         @DLoesch

Ask me why I carry again. Because progressive men threaten to rape me on Twitter over political disagreements.

So liberals, what were you saying about a war against women? Seems to me you’re the one waging it.