Chuck Control.

Chuck Control.

“Yes, this really is Sen. Schumer blazing away with a TEC-9. I remember seeing it, or one like, it on several years ago, and forwarding the story to friends with the note that if Schumer weren’t such an anti-gun putz, he’d have NRA-certified instructors on the range who would ensure that he had appropriate eye protection, and a proper grip and stance. The event was a demonstration of the outrageous destructive power of immoral assault weapons, or some such nonsense.” –Sean Flynn

His Gun Ban Record:

Renew assault weapons ban – no legitimate use for them.
Cutting record-keeping limits fosters gun sale fraud & abuse.
Close the Gun Show Loophole; restrict show sales: Ban large-capacity ammunition: YES on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets:
NO on loosening license & background checks at gun shows:
YES on background checks at gun shows:
NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence:
NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers:
NO on prohibiting foreign & UN aid that restricts US gun ownership:
NO on allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains:

So Chucky, WTF?!?!

Doing the math on gun control.

Doing the math on gun control.

So a bunch of mathematicians who admit they don’t have enough data decided to mess with our Second Amendment.

“It’s time to bring a scientific framework to this problem,” said Dominik Wodarz, the lead author of a new paper published in the journal PLOS ONE. “Can we design a rational way to argue about guns?”

Well, you could try reading More Guns, Less Crimes by John Lott, lots of math and statistics there.

“The couple found that for common domestic and one-on-one gun crimes, reducing the availability of legal firearms is likely to lower death rates – as long as laws are properly enforced. For mass shootings, the results showed that armed citizens could help reduce the number of deaths – but only if trained to avoid shooting bystanders.”

So if I get rid of my gun I would suddenly become a safer neighbor? And if a mass shooting in school occurs, then it’s OK to have my gun but I better know the difference between a crazy mass murderer shooting at people and bystanders.

“If the current discussion could be steered toward science, rather than having a heated debate without much of a logical foundation, a big step forward toward saving lives would be achieved,” wrote Wodarz.

You know who else loved science? Hitler and his Nazis, they loved eugenics, Zyklon-B, gas chambers, euthanizing retarded children, we got lucky that we came up with the nuclear bomb before they did.

But don’t take me wrong, I’m not anti-Science, I’m anti-collective demands in the name of science. This is the same kind of thinking that leads to war against obesity, tobacco bans, anti-GMO legislation, and all kinds of nonsense such as having to die because it takes the FDA 7-years to approve a lifesaving drug.