Francis Wilkinson spent $17 buying gun magazines and his conclusion based on the ads he saw was that “everybody’s white.”
“There are pictures of guys with guns, gals with guns, animals with guns, ammo with guns and guns with guns. Curiously absent are pictures of black people with guns, brown people with guns or Asian people with guns. The good guys are white. The bad guys are white. In the Gunworld depicted in these pages, pretty much everyone is white.”
So what? How many white people do you find when you pick up a magazine like Ebony or Black Enterprise?
Yet from his own statistics based on $17 (Bloomberg.com must be broke), we can see that not everybody is white.
Combat Handguns Magazine, November 2013
Whites: 92
Blacks: 1
Hispanics: 1
Asian: 1
“Interestingly, both the (light-skinned) black guy and the Hispanic guy are wearing uniforms — don’t worry, folks, they’re on our side! The Asian is dressed in a suit and tie and is clearly presented as a law enforcement or high-end security professional.”
Wow, so we can’t celebrate the military and law enforcement with brown people without being called racist? And how dare we use a light-skin Hispanic! Next time we’re gonna Photoshop the crap out of him, make him as dark as a moonless night. Or better yet, let’s Photoshop everybody purple, then race won’t be an issue since everyone will be equal. By the way, I wonder how many of the writers are Bloomberg.com are white? Yeah, I’d like to see a study about that.
Guns & Weapons Magazine, October 2013
Whites: 131
Blacks: 2 (both law enforcement officers, one of whom is accompanied by 4 whites)
Hispanics: 0
Asians: 0
Right, because black people aren’t supposed to have white friends.
GUNS Magazine, September 2013
Whites: 60
Blacks: 0
Hispanics: 0
Asians: 2 (Does it still count if they’re Japanese soldiers from WW II in an ad for military surplus?)
You’re right, Asians don’t count unless they’re wearing old glory and singing Yankee Doodle. Really? I mean, if us gun owners are a bunch of “gook-hating racists” then why the hell do we have an ad featuring Japanese soldiers? Could it be that our love for guns goes beyond race and nationality? I’m not a communist, but I love the AK-47. I’m sure there are people who don’t like Israel but love their Uzis and Galil rifles.
“It’s hard to know exactly what to infer from this blizzard of white. Gun politics is always racially fraught. Blacks commit firearms offenses at a much higher rate than whites. In 2010, the rate of firearm homicide for blacks was 14.6 per 100,000 compared with 4 for Hispanics, 1.9 for whites and 1.0 for Asians and Pacific Islanders. In general, blacks also support gun control much more strenuously than whites. “
Yeah, and blacks are also less likely to read gun magazines, which is why they’re less likely to appear in ads. If more blacks were like Colion Noir, maybe we’d see more of them in the ads. In fact, if we were so racist and bigoted, we would not have welcomed Colion Noir with open arms.
“Whether the gun magazines figure it’s politically safer to make everyone the same color, or whether they’re simply catering to a monochromatic readership with a strong hankering for all-white cultural nostalgia — or both — is impossible to tell. There is, of course, a hardy strain of racial paranoia coursing through some corners of American gun culture. So it seems unlikely that the overwhelming whiteness is mere coincidence. ”
All those insights based on $17 worth of research? If it’s impossible to tell why are you writing such garbage and making stuff up?
Besides, I don’t carry a gun to shoot black people, I carry it to defend myself from crime. I don’t care if you’re black, white or pink, if you want to murder me, I refuse to be an easy target and deprive myself of a fighting-chance.
Here’s an idea for your next article, Wilkinson. Go to a gun range and interview every black person you find. Ask them how they feel about guns, gun owners, the Second Amendment, etc. Maybe then you’d discover that their opinions aren’t any different from us “racist” whites.