Loving Those Gun-Tootin’ Lesbians.

Loving Those Gun-Tootin' Lesbians.

Click on the picture if you want to read the story on Reason magazine about posters in Seattle that are pissing off the liberals, and some conservatives I suppose.

I like these ad, and while these lesbians aren’t porn-quality, that’s irrelevant. Real-looking women deserve uber-cool firearms. God bless them and anyone who stands up for RKBA.

Pissing Off the Left and some Social Conservatives.

Pissing Off the Left and some Social Conservatives.

Reason.com reports on these posters appearing all over Seattle. While same-sex marriage isn’t my issue, it goes without saying that any marriage needs one or two guns to protect it for real threats of massive bodily harm or death.

My only criticism of the ad is that the couple looks more like a father and son than to lovers. Notice that the one on the right has longer hair and looks younger, like he’s 18, maybe 23, while the one on the left looks clearly in his mid 30s, maybe early 40s, and he has a belly, like most fathers do.

In the future, pair youth with youth and old with old. No need to mix and match here unless you’re talking about families.

Medical Malpractice Kills More than Anything.

Medical Malpractice Kills More than Anything.

There’s a lot of stupid doctors that think their ability to remove a bullet and close a wound makes them experts on gun control, yet it turns out you’re more likely to get killed by a bad doctor than by a bad man using a gun, hammer, knife or driving a car while drunk. This meme is based on actual 2011 numbers. Factual, visually appealing, and viral.

Identification Marketing.

Identification Marketing.

Do you look like you work for Victoria’s Secret? Identification marketing helps real people identify with the people in the ad. This woman is real, and any woman, fat or thin, can identify with the message. Yes, a small gun will kill a big bad rapist.

By the way, I found this image after googling “pro-gun propaganda.” I guess to gun haters, “ugly” women deserved to get raped and murdered because they can’t be trusted with guns. To think they accuse us of having a war against women. Hey ladies, it’s the liberals that are at war with you. I support your right to fight back 100%.