I remember being annoyed in Chattanooga when I had to do a 10-hour class to get my concealed carry permit, although I do admit that the class was fun and our instructor was excellent. This however is excessive.
“As the Illinois State Police work out the details of the new law giving Illinois citizens the right to carry firearms in public, a debate is brewing over the 16 hours of training it requires.
Some gun rights advocates argue that requiring essentially two days of training is excessive and unnecessarily prolongs the process for obtaining a permit. Others, including some firearms instructors, want to see Illinois adopt standards that go beyond the gun handling instruction and marksmanship offered in basic civilian firearms safety courses. They say it’s important to teach people not only how to shoot but how to defuse potentially dangerous situations so they don’t have to use a firearm.”
Source: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-concealed-carry-class-20130811,0,1357854.story