11-Year-Old Latina Stops Burglars with Gun

Support for the 2nd Amendment among Latinos is low, but there are pro-gun Hispanics out there:

Alyssa Gutierrez is an eleven year old girl armed with a pink .22 caliber rifle. With this very fitting weapon she managed to keep three would be burglars from breaking into her home. “I was planning if they came right next to me I would shoot them,” Alyssa. This happened only moments after her older cousin left her at home to run a quick errand. It could happen to anyone, thankfully this girl was brave enough to fight the terror and escape a scary situation unharmed!
Source: http://gunssaveus.com/armed-11-year-old-girl-defeats-robbers/

If you’re Latino and English isn’t your first language, I invite you to check out the Spanish page of the NRA.

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