Welcome to Los Angeles.
Elysium was made by one of those bleeding-hearts with an agenda, however, I think he did a bad job, the film was entertaining even though I wish it could have been rated R so they can actually show violence instead of giving the camera a handjob.
Either way, here are the lessons I learned.
1. If we don’t make illegal aliens learn English, we’re gonna have to learn Spanish.
2. You can have android cops, metal detectors, but the bad guys still get guns.
3. Don’t breathe in front of the boss.
4. Spaceships must be cheap if illegal aliens can afford to build them.
5. State-of-the-art technology in space needs a guy with a rocket launcher on earth to shoot the illegal aliens in space. Really?
6. You have an arsenal of weapons on Elysium, but only the terrorists are shooting.
7. You can do a coup-de-etat with a computer program.
8. Why do people become doctors and nurses when the atomizer cures your diseases? It will even reconstruct your face without scars and a nice beard if a grenade blew half of it away.
9. People still smoke cigarettes in the future, and not the electronic kind.
10. Everyone has at least one tattoo.

Kudos to Matt Damon for keeping his finger off the trigger.
11. Anybody can break into a house on Elysium. Just break the glass, you’re in.