Just wanted to share some of my favorites from TheGunFeed, The Drudge Report of all things gun.
10. Dear New York Times, Self-Defense Is Not Vigilantism
9. Science! Figure Skating, Curling far more dangerous than Biathlon…
Even gun free [sports] zones are more dangerous.
8. LA Candidate for Sheriff Will Issue Concealed Carry Permits – Subject to “Mental Health Evaluations”
7. “No open carry” sign posted…
6. ‘The Bachelor’ hits the shooting range…
- OMG! 30-magazine clip!
5. Is your local paper too “pro-gun” or something?
4.Lets bash Spike Lee for not being outraged enough…
3. CNN says FN 5.7 is a “high-powered semiautomatic handgun”, that gun possession charges are “gun violence”…
2. Utah schools now guarded by AR-15s…
1. Black Pastors: Impeach Holder